How Do I Start Copy Trading?
Categories: Forex


Copy trading has become a popular and accessible way for individuals to participate in the financial markets, even if they lack the time or expertise to actively trade themselves. This innovative form of trading allows you to automatically replicate the trading strategies of experienced investors, known as “trading gurus” or “signal providers,” and potentially profit from their expertise. If you’re interested in getting started with copy trading, this article will guide you through the essential steps to begin your journey.

  1. Choose a Reliable Copy Trading Platform

The first step in starting copy trading is to select a reputable copy trading platform. Several brokers and social trading networks offer copy trading services. Some of the well-known platforms include eToro, ZuluTrade, Fintecmarkets and CopyTrader by MetaTrader. Research and compare these platforms to find the one that best suits your needs.

When evaluating copy trading platforms, consider factors such as user-friendly interfaces, a wide range of assets to trade, transparency, and a strong track record for security. Ensure that the platform is regulated by a relevant financial authority to protect your investments.

  1. Create an Account

Once you’ve chosen a copy trading platform, sign up and create an account. This usually involves providing some personal information and completing identity verification procedures, as per regulatory requirements. Make sure to choose a strong password and enable two-factor authentication for added security.

  1. Fund Your Account

To start copy trading, you’ll need to deposit funds into your trading account. The minimum deposit requirement varies from platform to platform, so check the specific requirements of your chosen platform. Ensure that you have enough capital to start copying traders effectively.

  1. Research and Select Signal Providers

Before you can start copying trades, you’ll need to choose signal providers to follow. Signal providers are experienced traders whose strategies you want to replicate. Take your time to research and evaluate the performance of different signal providers on the platform.

Consider factors such as historical performance, risk levels, trading style, and trading history. Many platforms provide statistics and data to help you make informed decisions. It’s also a good idea to diversify your portfolio by copying multiple signal providers to spread risk.

  1. Set Your Copy Trading Parameters

Once you’ve selected signal providers, you’ll need to configure your copy trading parameters. These parameters include:

  • Investment Amount: Decide how much of your capital you want to allocate to each signal provider you’re copying.
  • Stop-Loss and Take-Profit Levels: Set these levels to manage your risk. Stop-loss orders help limit potential losses, while take-profit orders allow you to lock in profits at a predetermined level.
  • Copy Duration: Determine how long you want to copy a particular trader’s strategies. You can stop copying at any time.
  • Risk Tolerance: Assess your risk tolerance and adjust your settings accordingly. Some platforms offer risk management tools to help you control your exposure.
  1. Monitor and Adjust

Copy trading is not a set-it-and-forget-it strategy. Regularly monitor the performance of the signal providers you’re following. If you notice any issues or changes in their trading strategies that you’re uncomfortable with, consider adjusting your settings or discontinuing the copy.


Copy trading offers a convenient way for individuals to participate in the financial markets without the need for extensive trading knowledge. By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you can get started with copy trading and potentially benefit from the expertise of experienced traders. Remember that all trading involves risk, so it’s crucial to approach copy trading with a well-thought-out strategy and a clear understanding of the risks involved.