Fintec Markets

Completed process how to join fintecmarkets

1. Create Account On Broker

Step one

  • Click on Open Live Account to Visit Broker Account creation page
  • Enter your Email Address 
  • Enter Your Full Name
  • Click  to Register your Account
step one

2. Create Account On Broker

Step Two


  • Enter your Email Address 
    Enter Your Full Name
  • Click  to Register your Account
part two
Step two
  • Verfiy your Account provide Documents
  • upload your Front  ID Card image  
  • upload your Back  ID Card image
  • after submitting your documents to wait 10 to 15 mint verify Account 

3. Create Account On Broker

Step Three

  • Click to join Now to Vist Broker Account creation page
  • Enter your Email Address 
    Enter Your Full Name
  • Click  to Register your Account
Step Three